Dinner time is truly family time for the Hokies and their new coach

hters are part of the team at Virginia Tech; and Bronco Mendenhall says he feels like a “U-Va. guy.”
blacks burg, va.—The chalk boardpainted walls in each of the kids’ bedrooms inJu st inFu en te’ s home are crowded with dusty signatures, one for each member of their dad’s new football team.
Autographs are part of the deal when it’s team dinner night at the Fuentes’ house. Virginia Tech’s new head coach made it a point to have all of his players, usually grouped by class, over for dinner in the offseason for a little team bonding. It started with the seniors, over mountains of takeout barbecue they packed in to eat, a chance to get to know their head coach away from the football field.
For the Hokies’ new leader, setting a tone for the season — and this new era for Virginia Tech football — happens on both the field and over dinner.
“Every kid on our team is going to eat dinner at my kitchen table,” Fuente said.
“I think it’s important for those kids, to add depth to our relationship. I think it’s important that they see me as a father and a husband as well, not just a head coach. Not just the guy who makes them do it over again or gets on their tail if they’re not doing it right.”
The players saw Fuente interact with his wife, Jenny, and wrangle his three
young daughters, Cecilia, Caroline and Charlotte.
“It’s fun to see him in dad mode and husband mode, as a normal guy,” senior fullback Sam Rogers said. “It helps you relate to him, and then you kind of realize who the man you’re playing for is, beyond coaching. It gives you a new level of trust, and makes you want to work that much harder for him.
Chalky fingers and takeout are usually accompanied by desserts and treats courtesy of Jenny Fuente, and a guided tour from Fuente’s daughters. That’s where Charlotte, the youngest of the three, shines.
Curls clipped back in a bow and sporting her Virginia Tech shirt, the toddler didn’t hesitate asking the 5-foot-10, 228pound Rogers with help choosing an outfit for her favorite doll. Team dinners became a special family event around the house during summer.
The girls “wear my wife out all day long about ‘when they’re gonna be there, when they’re gonna be there,’ ” Fuente said.
“And I’m sure the kids, our players, enjoy parts of it — and then they’re really good sports for other parts.”
Rogers does admit it took a while to warm up to the dolls.

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